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Chenderit Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Chenderit Parent Teacher Association

Our PTA is a group of parents and carers of Chenderit students who work to support the school and raise funds that will make a tangible difference to the children and the school community. The team host various fundraising events throughout the year, including the Chenderit Christmas Fair, and they invite you to help make these events a success.  Parents and carers are warmly invited to support the PTA in any way that they can, from joining as part of the core team, supporting the planning of events, to attending events and helping them to run smoothly.

By offering your help, you will be welcomed and supported by a dedicated and friendly core team, and it is a great way to meet other parents and get to know the school environment.  You will have opportunities to use your skills and learn new ones.  Being a PTA member is fun, very rewarding and of course your children and the entire school community will benefit as well!

To find out more, or to offer your help, please enquire via the ‘Contact Us’ form on our school website, directing your enquiry to Joanne Dowden.