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Art is good for you.

There is something magical about creating something and sharing it with others. Art can make us reconsider our viewpoint, or challenge us to think again. Art can help us see the world from another point of view, or can allow us to share our ideas with others. Art can help us find hope in the bleakest of situations or can energise or engage us.

Becoming a better artist is about developing your skills through practise, experimentation and determination. At Chenderit, we celebrate art and artists and work hard to help all students become the best artists that they can be.

Through the work we do, and the artwork we investigate, we seek to develop a love of the subject, to promote engagement with a range of artists and ideas and to give students the best possible life chances through both staff and students having the highest expectations of learning.

We want students to fall in love with art and to aspire to become better artists.

Click here to download the Art curriculum