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Media Department

In Media Studies, we aim to inspire students at all levels to develop their creative and critical thinking skills in order to better understand the media we all consume and are influenced by on a daily basis. This subject will appeal to those who take an active interest in media products such as films, television programmes, music, digital media, magazines and advertising. As well as the traditional academic skills associated with A Level study (eg critical thinking, research, essay writing, etc), the media course will help develop students’ production skills. This will involve creating printed media products such as magazine covers, film posters, CD digipacks and DVD covers.

For those who are interested in the creative use of ICT and interested in developing an awareness of the importance and power of the media in today’s society, then Media Studies offers opportunity to explore these areas. Students will be involved in a variety of creative tasks, teacher-led input, individual research and wider reading.

This course is relevant, up-to-date, challenging and with plenty of variety. It will help support students in developing skills applicable to a range of academic subjects, those subjects where analysis and written communication are important. It will also provide students with a more creative outlet to stretch and develop their imagination. .

Click here to download the Media Studies curriculum.