Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
The Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice plays a vital role in underpinning the way we work with our students, who may have a Special Educational Need or Disability.
Our vision for children with special educational needs and disabilities is the same as for all children and young people - that they achieve well at school and lead happy and fulfilled lives. The school’s Governors aim to ensure that the school provides a high quality education to children identified through the process of the Code of Practice (January 2015) as having learning difficulties, and for each one to reach their full potential. This will be achieved through recognising and addressing the needs of the whole child using the school's SEND policy and SEND report.
For children and young people this means that their special educational needs and disabilities will be identified at the earliest point, with support put in place. Children, young people and their parents or carers will be fully involved in decisions about their support and what they want to achieve. Importantly, the aspirations for children and young people will be raised through an increased focus on life outcomes, including employment and greater independence.
Access To The Curriculum
Students with SEND have the opportunity to access the curriculum through our main offer as well as through the specialist SEND provision provided by the school, taking into account the needs of the individual.
We endeavour to educate students with SEND alongside their peers, in a mainstream classroom setting. However, where this is not possible, the SENCo consults with parents for other reasonable arrangements to be made.
Staff receive regular training and learning opportunities on the subject of SEND including teaching strategies for students with SEND. This is done through various platforms including in school and through external training.
To ensure access to the curriculum for students with SEND, the SENDCo, Deputy SENDCo and Senior Leaders are responsible for:
- Keeping staff fully informed of the special educational needs of any students including sharing progress reports, medical reports and teacher feedback
- Providing regular training and learning opportunities for staff in all departments on the subject of SEND and SEND teaching.
- Ensuring staff members are kept up to date with teaching methods which will aid the progress of all students including those with SEND.
- Ensuring in-class provision and support are deployed effectively so that the curriculum is differentiated where necessary
- Providing individual or small group intervention, where it is felt that students would benefit from this provision
- Setting appropriate individual targets that motivate students to do their best, and celebrating achievements at all levels.
- Identifying underachievement and/or students with possible additional and/or special educational needs
- Providing for those additional and/or special needs in a variety of ways such as:
o teachers differentiate work as part of quality first teaching;
o small group withdrawal time (limited and carefully monitored to ensure curriculum entitlement is not compromised);
o individual class support/individual withdrawal;
o bilingual support/access to materials in translation;
o further differentiation of resources
For further information on support available in Northamptonshire and guidance regarding SEND please click the links below.
Contact the SEND Team
For any queries regarding SEND, please contact the following members of staff using the form on our 'Contact Us' page here:
Mrs Natalie Nowell | SENDCo
Miss Anna Greening | Deputy SENDCo
Click here to download the SEND Graduated Approach at Chenderit School
Click here to download the SEND reportClick here to download the Chenderit School Access Audit 2023
Click here to download West Northamptonshire’s local offer
Click here to download SENDIASS West Northants 0300 126 1039