Report a Concern
This form is to be completed if you would like to raise a concern. Please add as much detail as possible of what happened. Your pastoral leader will come and speak with you once they have received the form. Please note all forms will be responded to, but during working hours.
Out of school help and mental health support
This reporting portal is not monitored 24 hours a day. If you require immediate assistance or to speak with someone directly then please contact:
- The Police
- Papyrus
They also have a ‘Hopeline’ you can call 0800 068 41 41 - Samaritans
They also have a helpline you can call 116 123 - YoungMinds
- ChildLine
You can also call them on 0800 1111 and they have an online 1-to-1 counsellor chat service you could use.