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16-19 Tuition Fund Statement

16-19 Tuition Fund Statement

Statement to support 16-19 tuition funding for 2023-2024

As a school community, we are committed to supporting students whose learning was disrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of this package of support, we use the 16-19 tuition fund to provide small group tuition for our Sixth Form students who did not attain a grade 4 in English or Mathematics; these students are targeted as our priority group to ensure that they gain these essential qualifications needed for all progression routes post-18. Research suggests that small group tuition is more effective than larger groups in supporting student progress (Educational Endowment Foundation). These sessions enable the teacher to closely match the work to the students’ needs and use ongoing, low stakes testing to gauge progress and teach focused and specific content. Students are already receiving weekly lessons to support their English and Mathematics GCSE attainment and additional support is crucial in supporting these students in their post-18 progression routes.

In order to support those students who did not gain a grade 4+ in their GCSE English or Mathematics, we will be using the 16-19 tuition funding to provide our students with small group tuition sessions which are run by our English and Mathematics teams. This supplements the subscription to GCSE Pod which the Tuition Fund part funded in 2020-2021 and builds on the work provided by Fleet Tutors who delivered small group tuition sessions online in 2021-2022, and the tuition offered by our Sixth Form Study Skills Supervisor in 2022-2023. These tutoring sessions will take place in small groups, allowing clear and bespoke feedback to be given to students to aid their progress.

If you have any questions in regards to the 16-19 tuition funding and how we are using it to support the students in our community, please contact Mr Macrory, Head of Sixth Form, via email, EduLink or through our contact us page.

16-19 Tuition Fund Statement for 2022/2023

As a school community, we are committed to supporting students whose learning was disrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of this package of support, we use the 16-19 tuition fund to provide small group tuition for our Sixth Form students who did not attain a grade 4 in English or Mathematics; these students are targeted as our priority group to ensure that they gain these essential qualifications needed for all progression routes post-18. Research suggests that small group tuition is more effective than larger groups in supporting student progress (Educational Endowment Foundation). These sessions enable the teacher to closely match the work to the students’ needs and use ongoing, low stakes testing to gauge progress and teach focused and specific content. Students are already receiving weekly lessons to support their English and Mathematics GCSE attainment and additional support is crucial in supporting these students in their post-18 progression routes.

In order to support those students who did not gain a grade 4+ in their GCSE English or Mathematics, we will be using the 16-19 tuition funding to provide our students with small group tuition sessions which are run by our Sixth Form Study Skills Supervisor. This supplements the subscription to GCSE Pod which the Tuition Fund part funded in 2020-2021 and builds on the work provided by Fleet Tutors who delivered small group tuition sessions online in 2021-2022. These tutoring sessions will take place in groups of up to 6 students, allowing clear and bespoke feedback to be given to students to aid their progress.

If you have any questions in regards to the 16-19 tuition funding and how we are using it to support the students in our community, please email Mr Belstone, Assistant Headteacher and Head of Sixth Form.

16-19 Tuition Fund Statement for 2021/2022

As a school community, we are committed to supporting students whose learning was disrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of this package of support, we use the 16-19 tuition fund to provide small group tuition for our Sixth Form students who did not attain a grade 4 in English or Mathematics; these students are targeted as our priority group to ensure that they gain these essential qualifications needed for all progression routes post-18. Research suggests that small group tuition is more effective than larger groups in supporting student progress (Educational Endowment Foundation). These sessions enable the teacher to closely match the work to the students’ needs and use ongoing, low stakes testing to gauge progress and teach focused and specific content. Students are already receiving weekly lessons to support their English and Mathematics GCSE attainment and additional support is crucial in supporting these students in their post-18 progression routes.

In order to support those students who did not gain a grade 4+ in their GCSE English or Mathematics, we will be using the 16-19 tuition funding to provide our students with small group tuition sessions which are run by our Sixth Form Study Skills Supervisor. This supplements the subscription to GCSE Pod which the Tuition Fund part funded in 2020-2021 and builds on the work provided by Fleet Tutors who delivered small group tuition sessions online in 2021-2022. These tutoring sessions will take place in groups of up to 6 students, allowing clear and bespoke feedback to be given to students to aid their progress.

If you have any questions in regards to the 16-19 tuition funding and how we are using it to support the students in our community, please email Mr Belstone, Assistant Headteacher and Head of Sixth Form.

16-19 Tuition Fund Statement for 2020/2021

As a school community, we are committed to the support of students whose learning has been disrupted due to the COVID-19 outbreak during the 2019 to 2020 academic year. Sixth Form students who did not attain a grade 4 in English or Mathematics will be targeted as our priority group to ensure that they gain these essential qualifications needed for progression routes post-18. Research suggests that small group tuition of between two and five students is more effective than larger groups in supporting student progress. This enables the teacher to closely match the work to the students’ needs and use ongoing, low stakes testing to gauge progress and teach focused and specific content. Students are already receiving weekly lessons to support their English and Mathematics GCSE attainment and the first resit examination will be made available to them during the summer 2021 examination series.

In order to support those students who did not gain a grade 4+ in their GCSE English or Mathematics in their tuition lessons, we will be using the 16-19 tuition funding to subscribe to a resource called GCSE Pod; this online platform provides students with over 4,000 teacher-written, audio-visual pods which have been produced specifically for learning, homework and revision. Regular users of GCSE Pod achieved on average one GCSE grade higher than those students who did not use it regularly, as well as 0.7 additional Progress 8 points than non-users. Students will receive their own logins for this platform and the resources will be used both in lesson and outside of the classroom to support the progress and catch-up of these students.

If you have any questions in regards to the 16-19 tuition funding and how we are using it to support the students in our community, please email Mr Belstone, Head of Sixth Form.