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Year 6-7 Transition Information

Year 6-7 Transition Information

Our  Year 6-7  New Entrants Evening  was held on Thursday 26th September 2024 and we thank all of our prospective students and their parents and carers for attending.
The deadline to submit applications to join Chenderit in September 2025 is 31st October and further opportunities to visit the school will be given to successful applicants later on this academic year.


Over many years, we have established a strong and supportive community where we strive to "Aim High, Work Hard and Be Nice".                                                                     

At Chenderit, we are confident that we provide each child with an environment that is supportive, friendly and nurturing and that can offer them the opportunity to shine. Our transition programme aims to support students in making the move to secondary school as seamless as possible. The step up to ‘big school’ can be daunting but we aim to ensure every student arrives at Chenderit in September full of excitement for the possibilities that lie ahead – new friends, new subjects and new opportunities!

We look forward to welcoming you to Chenderit School and we cannot wait to meet the Year 7 students of 2023.

Chenderit School Transition: What is the process?

  • September: Prospective New Student Open Evening – An opportunity for parents and Year 6 students to come and look around Chenderit School, visit all of the subject departments and speak to staff and students about the opportunities we have to offer.
  • 31 October: Secondary school application closing date. Each year this is the closing date for families to submit their application to West Northamptonshire Council.

  • 1 March: Secondary school offer day. This is the date that families are told by West Northamptonshire Council where their Year 6 child will attend secondary school. Once you have accepted your child’s place you will be sent an electronic admissions pack from Chenderit School.

  • April/May: During this time our Transition Manager and SENDCO will visit the primary schools where children have been allocated a place at Chenderit School. We will meet with the Year 6 teachers to discuss each child’s individual needs. The Transition Manager will then talk to the Year 6 students, providing them with information regarding their transition days and answer any questions they might have. The information we gather from these visits helps us place the students into their tutor groups. While friendship groups are not considered when placing students, where possible, we always aim to place students with another child from their primary school. If a Year 6 student is coming alone from their primary school we will try to ensure they are placed with someone in a similar situation.

    The students who are coming alone from their primary school are invited in to Chenderit School to meet with the Transition Manager and a member of our Year 7 tutorial team. This gives the students an opportunity to meet other students in the same situation before their transition day.

  • June:  Chenderit School New Entrants Evening – During this evening students and their parent/carer will meet their Year 7 tutor and hear from the Headteacher, Mrs Cartwright, and Transition Manager and Head of Year 7.

    Transition days - We invite all our new Year 7 students to visit Chenderit School for their allocated transition day. During this day the students will meet the other children in their tutor groups, sample some lessons and have a guided tour of the school.

  • September: Your child will arrive in September knowing their tutor, their tutor group and their way around the school. On the first day of the new academic year we operate an extended tutor period to ensure that children have their timetables, know the routines and feel confident to start their first full day.

We look forward to welcoming you to Chenderit School, and supporting your child on their exciting new adventure in to their secondary education. If you have any questions, please use our 'Contact Us' form and direct your query to Mr Holland, Transition Manager and Head of Year 7.